Seeking help for Employees

addiction solutions for your workplace

Employees RETURN TO WORK as productive members of the team.  Last Door works with local and national occupational health teams.  Call us today, and we can help you navigate your benefits plan, and access to treatment.

Addiction Resources

Occupational Resiliency Plan-  Solutions for Addiction and Substance Use in the Workplace

Last Door offers residential addiction treatment solutions for your employees consisting of individually tailored treatment planning . Last Door’s cluster of services adheres to the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace. Services are designed to assist employers and employees to improve functioning and workplace safety.  Last Door has worked successfully with pilots, nurses, physicians and tradespeople, we understand the need to return to work healthy, and we understand the importance of taking time to get good at recovery, so employees can sustain long term recovery from addiction.

Treatment Options:

  • Rapid Intake (within 24 hours)
  • Medical Detox
  • 10 Day Intro To Recovery Program
  • 45 to 90 Day Employee Treatment, with addiction continuing care
  • Treatment includes Family Program and Case Management

45 day addiction treatment program

Client Services:

  • Employee Intervention Assistance
  • Case Assessment, Management and Reporting
  • Primary Treatment Transition
  • Staged Workplace Reintegration
  • Return to Work Agreement

Workplace Education and Transition of Care Referrals:

  • Educational Seminars
  • Affiliation with Continuing Care Providers across Canada

At Last Door your employees participate in extensive group work, individual counselling and complete a full set of written exercises that encourages the development of the skills and changes necessary to integrate the principles of recovery. The longer-term approach also affords the time needed to repair damaged family relationships, build new circles of support, assess financial damages, assess psychological issues, improve upon limited coping skills and break deeply ingrained habits. Integration of relapse prevention strategies and graduated return to work schedules are more effectively managed in extended primary treatment programs.


To ensure a safe workplace and align intentions and outcomes, Last Door provides workshops and seminars for Management Teams. Sessions teach teams to identify signs and symptoms of problematic substance use, and how to approach employee interventions.  Presenters also provide education on topics such as fitness for work, workplace wellness best practices and return to work management programs.

Contact Last Door to inquire about a Workplace Wellness Webinar or Training Session to educate your team about Addiction and Mental Health Best Practices.

In most cases treatment costs are covered by insurance, employee health benefits or employer/employee agreements. Our care plans are flexible in terms of length of stay and return to work/transition planning. Our core treatment program has 35 years demonstrated success helping individuals and families overcome addiction.

Some of the behavioural characteristics that may be triggered by drug addiction. These behavioural characteristics do not always indicate drug addiction, but several concurrent behaviours warrant further investigation. Things to look for include:

  • Absenteeism – absences without notification and an excessive use of sick days
  • Frequent disappearances from the work site, long unexplained absences, improbable excuses
  • Missed appointments and missed meeting deadlines
  • Payroll cheques cashed at Payday Loan and Cash Money Marts
  • Work performance that alternates between periods of high and low productivity
  • Mistakes made due to inattention, poor judgment, and bad decisions
  • Confusion, memory loss, and difficulty concentrating or recalling details and instructions
  • Ordinary tasks require greater effort and consume more time
  • Interpersonal relations with coworkers suffer
  • Rarely admits errors or accepts blame for errors or oversights
  • Progressive deterioration in personal appearance and hygiene
  • Wearing long sleeves when inappropriate
  • Personality change – mood swings, anxiety, depression, lack of impulse control, suicidal thoughts or gestures
  • Increasing personal and professional isolation

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"New Westminster is probably the most important thing in my life right now, it’s the best recovery community, in my opinion for me, it’s a perfect fit to go to a meeting and see hundreds of familiar faces and a buinch of people greet me and hug me, it gives me purpose in my life


overcoming addiction with Recovery

Get in touch today or call our recovery helpline

+1-855-971-0486 ( 7AM to 11PM )
